Wednesday, December 16, 2009

R10: he CHEERd me UP

today was one of my WORST day


it all started fine and calm..

i din get to hang out with my friends like how we hd planned...
so my mum took me out instead..

first we went to 'USIA' to manage -something-
then we went breakfast...
next we went to buy carpets :)

and next we went to the Saloon...
and it all started there..

im nt gona tell it anyway LOL
its kinda nothing to b worry about..but -something- just turned it into a HUGE kind of problem..which is kinda NOT!..

good thing its KINDA okey r8 now..
im just hoping that my mum wouldnt b REPEATIN tht -something- over n over again..

Oh well :)
i luv my new HAIRCUT.. im lookin EXTRA cute..LOL!

OH..about HIM(he cheered me up)
F.Y.I he is just a COOL FRIEND of mine..
i repeat..COOL FRIEND

so i was kinda 'moody' after tht -something- came up..
and the least that i could do was to pray
Thank god my prayers were ANSWERED sooner than i expected..

Thank you ALLAH

so yaa i needed someone to cheer me up :)
so HE came Facebook LOL..
trying to start a conversation by the little chat window :)
at first i would like to just ignoreee him..but 'hey its been a while..'

so we chat..and ITS a tOtal Relief i could Smile and laugh!
he's the best and im missing him a lot!
Thank YOU :)

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